Sunday, March 4, 2007

Reinforced Steep Slope (with geosynthetics)


The first use of geosynthetics for the stabilization of steep slopes was for the reinstatement of failed slopes. Cost savings resulted because the slide debris could be reused in the repaired slope (together
with geosynthetic reinforcement), rather than importing select materials to reconstruct the slope. Even if foundation conditions are satisfactory, costs of fill and right-of-way plus other considerations may require a steeper slope than is stable in compacted embankment soils without reinforcement. As shown in Fig.3, multiple layers of geogrids or geotextiles may be placed in a fill slope during construction or reconstruction to reinforce the soil and provide increased slope stability. Most steep slope reinforcement projects are for the construction of new embankments, alternatives to retaining walls, widening of existing embankments, and repair of failed slopes. Another use of geosynthetics in slopes is for compaction aids (Fig. 3). In this application, narrow geosynthetic strips, 1 to 2 m wide, are placed at the edge of the fill slope to provide increased lateral confinement at the slope face, and therefore increased compacted density over that normally achieved. Even modest amounts of reinforcement in compacted slopes have been found to prevent sloughing and reduce slope erosion. In some cases, thick nonwoven geotextiles with in-plane drainage capabilities allow for rapid pore pressure dissipation in compacted cohesive fill soils.

Design Considerations

The overall design requirements for reinforced slopes are similar to those for unreinforced slopes--the factor of safety must be adequate for both the short- and long-term conditions and for all possible modes of failure. These include: (1) internal--where the failure plane passes through the reinforcing elements; (2) external--where the failure surface passes behind and underneath the reinforced mass; and (3) compound--where the failure surface passes behind and through the reinforced soil mass. Reinforced slopes are analyzed using modified versions of classical limit equilibrium slope stability methods (e.g., Terzaghi et al., 1996). Potential circular or wedge-type failure surfaces are assumed, and the relationship between driving and resisting forces or moments determines the factor of safety. Based on their tensile capacity and orientation, reinforcement layers intersecting the potential failure surface increase the resisting moment or force. The tensile capacity of a reinforcement layer is the minimum of its allowable pullout resistance behind, or in front of, the potential failure surface and/or its long-term design tensile strength, whichever is smaller. A variety of potential failure surfaces must be considered, including deep-seated surfaces through or behind the reinforced zone, and the critical surface requiring the maximum amount reinforcement determines the slope factor of safety. The reinforcement layout and spacing may be varied to achieve an optimum design. Computer programs are available for reinforced slope design which include searching routines to help locate critical surfaces and appropriate consideration of reinforcement strength and pullout capacity. Additional information on reinforced slope design is available in Christopher et al. (1990), Christopher and Leshchinsky (1991), Berg (1993), Holtz et al.(1997), and Bathurst and Jones (2001).
For slide repair applications, it is very important that the cause of original failure is addressed in order to insure that the new reinforced soil slope will not have the same problems. Particular attention must be paid to drainage. In natural soil slopes, it is also necessary to identify any weak seams that could affect stability.

Material Properties

Geosynthetic properties required for reinforced slopes are similar to those listed in Table 1. in the previous post Properties are required for design (stability), constructability, and durability. Allowable tensile strength and soil-geosynthetic friction are most important for stability design. Because of uncertainties in creep strength, chemical and biological degradation effects, installation damage, and joints and connections, a partial factor or reduction factor concept is recommended. The ultimate wide width strength is reduced for these various factors, and the reduction depends on how much information is available about the geosynthetics at the time of design and selection. Berg (1993), Holtz et al. (1997), and Koerner and Hsuan (2001) give details about the determination of the allowable geosynthetic tensile strength. They also describe how soil-geosynthetic friction is measured or estimated. An inherent advantage of geosynthetic reinforcement is their longevity, especially in normal soil environments. Recent studies have indicated that the anticipated half-life of reinforfcement geosynthetics in between 500 and 5000 years, although strength characteristics may have to be adjusted to account for potential degradation in the specific environmental conditions. Any soil suitable for embankment construction can be used in a reinforced slope system. From a reinforcement point of view alone, even lower-quality soil than conventionally used in unreinforced slope construction may be used. However, higher-quality materials offer less durability concerns, are easier to place and compact, which tends to speed up construction, and they have fewer problems with drainage. See Berg (1993) and Holtz et al. (1997) for discussion of soil gradation, compaction, unit weight, shear strength, and chemical composition.


Similarly to reinforced embankments, proper construction is very important to insure adequate performance of a reinforced slope. Considerations of site preparation, reinforcement and fill placement, compaction control, face construction, and field inspection are given by Berg (1993) and Holtz et al. (1997).

Reference :
R.D. Holtz, Ph.D., P.E., Geosynthetics Soil Reinforcement, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington

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